• connect@bluegrassventurecapital.com
  • +919822061704

Firms seeking co-investors

A trusted partner, BlueGrass works alongside some of the industry’s most well-respected general partners to co-invest in deals of varying sizes and stages. We provide capital that supports buyout, growth, and credit strategies across a variety of geographies.

Our team understands and values your time so we move quickly to provide decisions and mitigate deal execution risk. We also know that attractive opportunities exist at various sizes, stages, and complexities so we evaluate a wide range of opportunities.

For opportunities that meet our criteria, we have the resources and experience to work alongside you at any point of the investment process including sourcing, diligence, and post-close. In fact, BlueGrass has the ability to make sizeable capital contributions and offer access to a vast network of relationships upon which we can draw to make warm introductions to potential customers and partners. Our global reach and local insights can help companies expand their businesses geographically and understand local customs.

Do you want to get our quality service for your business?